Pro Display XDR

Apple has a better track record of updating iMac display technology

Apple has finally released the standalone 27-inch display we’ve all been wanting. Apple has pulled the plug on the Intel-powered 27-inch iMac, with no version of Apple’s silicon chip planned for this year.

While this may disappoint fans of large all-in-one desktops, there’s a chance it may or may not bode well for Apple’s display ambitions.

For this argument, let’s set aside the 4.5K iMac (no nanotexture) and the Pro 6K XDR Display (no stand).

Apple’s four newest standalone displays under $6,000 include:

  • 27-inch studio monitor (2022)
  • 27-inch Thunderbolt Display (2011)
  • 27 Inch Cinema (2010)
  • 24 Inch Cinema (2008)


Meanwhile, in the iMac space, you can easily identify four display improvements in just a few years:

  • 5K resolution
  • Color gamut P3
  • True Tone display
  • A variant of glass with a nanotexture

Apple Studio Display offers or includes each of these features, but the point is that Apple has used hardware iterations of the iMac to add new enhancements to the screen.

These changes did not take place more than a few years after the addition. Compare that to Apple’s display self-refresh rate. In eight years, Apple outpaced its stand-alone display features with the iMac’s display features.

Simply put, Apple has surpassed the new iMac display features over standalone displays.

So where does this take us? Here’s a question I’m wondering: Will Apple update the Studio Display with iterative display improvements every two years or so, or was the release of the iterative display improvements tied to the iMac hardware upgrade?

Time will tell, but I wouldn’t see a display model priced between the Studio Display and the Pro Display XDR as satisfying the appetite for iterative display changes that the iMac has been satisfying for the past few years.

Features like variable refresh rate and HDR support seem more likely in a mid-range display than a refreshed Studio display for the same price two years down the line, although I’d be wrong.

But what about the next P3 color gamut, True Tone or additional nano-textured glass? Will this caliber of features from the upgraded iMacs make it to the upgraded Studio monitors at around the same price in the coming years?